
Sunday, 12 July 2009

A Guide to Learning How to Prevent Hemorrhoids Posted By : Heather Jane Hunter

Today many people in the world are challenged with learning how to prevent hemorrhoids and the best way to deal with this affliction. Unfortunately many are either understandably too embarrassed to seek help or unable to do so due to financial reasons. Help is there, however, and is easy to obtain. This article will show you good ways to learn how to prevent hemorrhoids and their annoying symptoms.

For starters, it is crucial to understand that constipation is the most common cause of hemorrhoids today. Constipation is something that should be avoided if at all possible, but fortunately it is easy to do so. A healthy diet is the best solution for constipation, especially one that is high in fiber. A person should have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods made with whole grains (such as wheat bread or oatmeal). Natural colon medicines can also be good additions to one's diet because it keeps the body cleansed of toxins.

Learning how to prevent hemorrhoids also involves increasing one's intake of fluids in addition to eating a high fiber diet. Fluids have the direct benefit of increasing circulation and digestion, as well as softening one's stool. This reduces the chance for constipation.

Setting a regular eating time and following it consistently will also help by cutting down on indigestion, which can cause hemorrhoids. Learning how to prevent hemorrhoids necessarily involves regularity in one's eating habits.

Along with eating consistently at the same time, one should also go to the restroom consistently as well. While this may seem somewhat difficult at times, it is easier than one thinks to set up a regular time each day to go to the restroom. Also, as a part of this, one shouldn't hesitate to go to the restroom when one feels the initial urge to go. Failure to do this can result in the stool drying and becoming more difficult to pass. In this way, eating and attending to the restroom regularly will greatly help and complement each other.

One should also be careful to avoid excessive heavy lifting. Heavy lifting can agitate hemorrhoids, as can sitting or putting pressure on the rear area for long periods of times. Part of learning how to prevent hemorrhoids has to include adjusting one's physical habits to avoid prolonged sitting and lifting to cut down on pressure.

Finally, daily exercise can be a great way to help with learning how to prevent hemorrhoids. Daily exercise has many benefits, but it will help a person stay at an ideal weight, which reduces pressure on the rectum. It also has the added effect of helping with digestion (plus it will just make you healthier all around). By maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, adjusted physical habits, plenty of fluids, and a clean and hygienic rectal area, a person can definitely do a lot to cut back on hemorrhoids and their symptoms.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/A-Guide-to-Learning-How-to-Prevent-Hemorrhoids/955422


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