
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The Importance Of Staying Hydrated During Workouts | ArticlesBase.com

As much as it is important to eat a regular balanced meal during the day, eating without drinking water is not only delimiting to success but also hazardous to health. Yet, many body builders today survive with a glass of water in a week or two for a month even. The essence of water is downplayed by many body builders at their peril. Water is a pertinent part of the body building diet, just as it is part of anybody?s diet, body builder or not. As they say, water is life.

Therefore, in addition to a sound diet regimen, it is very or even more important for a body builder to drink adequate amounts of plain water every day. For one, water helps in keeping your metabolism rate and efficiency at the optimal level. Dietitians biased to body building dieting usually say that water is not only the least expensive nutritional aid available for a body builder, but it is also the single most important, and without which, health is endangered within days. So what are the real benefits of water in a body builder?s diet?

Regular, dependable and adequate hydration helps to promote the elimination of toxic wastes from the metabolic sites in the muscle tissues. The build up of these toxic substances, especially in the absence of water, cases rapid muscle fatigue since the lactic acid is concentrated in the tissues. Again, optimal metabolism cannot occur if the wastes of the process are allowed to pile up before elimination. Water boosts the transportation of these toxins to their respective excretion sites, and even further to the actual excretion as seen through sweat and urine.

While the food is being broken down in the intestines, water allows the optimum absorption of vital nutrients in|o the bloodstream. Don?t forget blood HS 70% water, meaning that it is water that actually takes these nutrients after absorption, to their utility sites. A stomach which has adequate hydration maintains a felling of fullness fob a longer while even when there is no food at the moment, and these prevents conditions like ulcers, which result when the stomach is empty, you feel hungry and the brain starts commissioning production of digestive enzymes before there is anything to digest. Water is essential in suppressing the diet when it is not ideal that the body builder eats, especially during strict dieting.

Water is essential in maintaining the skin active and healthy. Without adequate levels of water in the body, the skin cracks up and dries to unhealthy levels, increasing the risk of contacting infections through the skin. Water is very important for an advanced body builder, to say the very least. These body builders are in extremely intensive exercise routines during which they sweat excessively. If the lost water is not replaced, the body builder will become dehydrated soon or later.

Ideally, you should drink ten top twelve glasses of water in a day while in intensive advanced body building. However, this is not the maximal amount, for you can never overdose on water. Drink much more if you want to. Carry a bottle of plain water with you when you go to the office, to a picnic, to the gym and everywhere else. Ensure that you are always in sight of clean drink water and the drink it often don?t just carry it around.

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Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/the-importance-of-staying-hydrated-during-workouts-1137497.html


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