
Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Symptoms of TMD

Have you experienced persistent headaches, neck pain, clicking in the jaw or unexplained earache? Believe it or not, any of these might be due to a problem with your jaw alignment. Earache, headache, pain in the shoulders and back?all these symptoms and a variety of others could be signs of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. Even though the temporomandibular joints are located at the hinges of the jaw, symptoms can affect many different areas of the body. Specific Symptoms of TMD Most of the symptoms of TMD could be caused by other problems, some of them serious. For this reason, it is important to eliminate other possible causes before pursuing TMD treatment. Many people who seek help for TMD are suffering from a variety of symptoms that have persisted for a period of time and that have eluded diagnosis. These symptoms can include: Persistent headaches similar to migraines Pain in the jaw, or clicking in the jaw joint Persistent, recurring earaches Pain and tension in the neck and shoulders Pain and tension in the upper back Once TMD is determined as their cause, TMD treatment can alleviate all of these symptoms. Treatment involves correcting the alignment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), often by making adjustments to the overall bite. Once the bite is properly aligned, the joint will lie in the correct position, ending the tension and stress these problems cause. Why So Many Symptoms? Several major nerves that serve the face and head, also known as craniofacial nerves, pass through areas near the TMJ. When this complex joint becomes misaligned or the area surrounding it becomes inflamed, these nerves can become compressed or irritated. The result is recurring and sometimes constant pain. A misalignment of the jaw can also lead to tension in the muscles of the jaw, neck, face and shoulders. This tension can cause persistent headaches as well as sore muscles and pain in the shoulders and back. Properly aligning the TMJ helps reduce this stress and the accompanying discomfort. If you are suffering from TMD, San Diego, Encinitas and Carlsbad, California area neuromuscular dentist Dr. Mary Walsh-Cole can help diagnose and treat your condition.
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