Acai Berries - What is Your Weight Goal? |
How would your life be different if you were able to lose 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds? I'm sure you've thought about that a lot, but I believe it's a good idea to "keep it alive".
Have you ever thought about how life would be different with your proper body weight? Your proper body weight is what is needed to be healthier and happier. There are people, like me and you, who have reached the limit. Then finally they have begun to really take a long hard look at their life.
Dieter explains: Some of us aren't successful in our weight loss efforts through no fault of our own. Some take meds, and eat what we can afford. We cope with a thousand things that have gone wrong in our lives. We do try the best we can and take it one day at a time. I have learned to be determined to lose my excess weight.
Dieter explains: I need to gather the strength to take that first weight loss step again. I've been on many diet plans and I feel worn out to start all over again!
Dieter explains: I went from 190 down to 169. That was great! I reached my weight loss goal better than half way. I have lost my desire to overeat. Anyone have ideas for breaking through the blockage? My goal is 155.
Dieter explains: I deliberately gained weight. I was hiding in a form of self protection. Food was used to comfort myself. As a result I gained over 100 lbs. I was using foods to sooth my loss of self assurance.
Dieter explains: Every time I would lose weight I think about how I might feel at might right height/weight. I think about rejection I might get from men. This has been a roller coaster for years.
Dieter explains: My problems are life difficulties, loneliness and fatigue. Food gives me comfort and escape. I never learned to deal effectively with these issues. I prefer to isolate myself then I do not have to face counsel or help.
Dieter explains: I eat to shield myself from men. My acquired weight gain ended my marriage. I lost my husband as he cheated on me with thin women. Every time I lose weight the attention of men resumes. I am afraid of being hurt again so I eat. Also I am in severe financial trouble for the first time in my life. Food mellows me for a little while. I should be able to lose this weight but It is hard to do. I use to live an orderly life style. I am now out of control.
Again, losing weight and being healthy starts with the desire to change. Even though you may feel totally at the end of options and energy, don't give up. There are five things I recommend you do on a daily basis. Do these and you will slowly and surely achieve your goals.
1 - Have a full physical checkup right away! Do it now!
2 - Set up your program that provides a choice of food.
3 - Set up physical exercise and recreation every day.
4 - Allow others into your life and share their life with you.
5 - Grow in daily emotional connection with other people.
These above comments are so true to life for many dieters. What you have just read illustrates the problems dieters deal with in their lives. Notice that food is not the problem. Loss of self esteem, self assurance, and various emotion viewpoints, etc. become the driving power to escape in food.
Food becomes a comforter for many persons and they go deeper and deeper into overeating. Acai berries diet is so simple and not cumbersome to put into practice. Acai berries diet will take the weight off and reduce your hunger naturally. This will allow your body to gradually adjust to new changes taking place in your body. This will allow you to adjust your self esteem and emotions and bring them into positive territory. You will actually reach your weight goal
To your weight loss success, health and happiness,
John Schmidt - Weight Loss Nutritionist Coach
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