
Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The No-Cook Raw Diet | ArticlesBase.com

Humans are the only species of animal (yes, animal) that cooks its food. Fire power is great for warming our bodies in the winter and ridding meat products of harmful bacteria. But, is it really necessary to heat everything we eat? Some people think not and choose to follow a raw diet. Forgoing oven roasted turkey or chicken in favor of a salad of fresh lettuce, carrots and tomatoes, subscribers to the raw diet must know something we don't.

First, and to many probably the biggest draw, is that of dramatic weight loss. Consuming only raw fruits and vegetables and their juices is an obvious way to drop a few dress sizes. As an added bonus, all of the toxins from the chemicals added into processes and packaged food will no longer accumulate in your system. Detox diets, famous for flushing harmful to contaminants from your body, have been known to melt pounds after only a few days. Stick to a well-balanced raw diet and you'll be mimicking this on a more constant basis.

Just as important as weight loss, the immune boosting properties of the raw diet are extensive. Uncooked, unaltered vegetables, fruits and nuts prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Paired with modern medicine, this means of nutrition may lead to a longer, more active life. You may have to skip some favorite junk foods, but you may find more vitality along the way.

Locally grown foods are best for the raw diet. The short distance from harvesting to your plate eliminates the need for preservatives. In the long run, this is better for the earth's soil, water and air. Since no large fleets of delivery trucks are necessary when what you're eating is in your own back yard, motor vehicle emission decrease. The runoff that flows into water sources from mass produced crops covered in pesticides plummet. And, soil is naturally replenished because it would not be tilled to excess by commercial farmers.

Resulting from all of these things, the quality of an individual will experience a remarkable increase in the quality of daily life. Skin elasticity and mental clarity improve. Flexibility, muscle strength and fertility all increase. Not to mention your taste buds recover a vibrancy that was lost to unnatural food sources. The sluggish feeling of a "food coma" no longer occurs with the light fair you'll be enjoying. And, never again will you scrub away at another greasy, baked on pot or pan.

The time alone you'll save in meal preparation should be enough to make you at least try raw food for a week. Start slow and incorporate the practice gradually. Start with one meal a day and make it totally raw. After you keep this up for an entire week, start adding things. Have a salad at every meal. Cut down on the amount of meat you eat. In fact, studies show that our digestive system is not designed to handle a large quantity of animal protein. It may seem extreme, but you might find that stripping all the extra from your meals is what you've been missing all along.

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Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/the-nocook-raw-diet-1137740.html


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