
Saturday, 18 July 2009

Why Hoodia Prime I # 1 recommendation ...

100% Authentic Hoodia Gordonii has no stimulants, additives, or Fillers Randomly Tested in independent labs for authenticity and purity C.I.T.E.S. Certified licensed and Cape Nature Make no mistake, considering that all you have to do is pop a few hoodia diet pills a day and the fat melt off. While many argue that it is up to them, the vast majority of Dieters need more of a help than a pill to achieve their weight loss. And in some cases, hoodia does simply not at all! Hoodia gordonii diet pills can play an effective role in overall plan to reduce weight, if used correctly. Keep in mind that the only thing that makes the hoodia gordonii is appetite suppression. It will not improve a bad diet will not solve the problems of overeating. If you have a terrible diet and tend to overeat even when you're not hungry, hoodia diet pills will do absolutely nothing for you. If this applies to you, you better address these issues before proceeding with hoodia diet pills - or any diet pills for that matter. Hoodia diet pills will not build muscle, and it will not burn fat. Your muscles are fat burning machines. They burn fat all day long - even if you rest. The more you have the more fat you burn. Your metabolism also plays a key role in burning fat. The only way to build muscle and get your metabolism engine is to exercise! Those who have the most success with hoodia and weight loss In addition, food and work. They realize that hoodia, only a small weight loss puzzle. They understand that diet and exercise are the cornerstone of any weight loss program - NOT supplements - hoodia included! While hoodia diet pills May help suppress the appetite, you still need to diet and exercise for optimal results. How to avoid becoming a victim of the advertising that all you have to do is pop some hoodia supplements magic and you will lose weight! For the most success with hoodia and weight loss, it is necessary maintain a healthy diet and exercise needs on a regular basis. This does not diminish the effectiveness of hoodia gordonii for weight loss aid. There is no doubt that it has contributed to many successful Dieters lose weight. Just to maintain its role in perspective and realistic expectations, so you will not be disappointed by the results you get!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Laser Teeth Whitening for A Dreamy Smile Posted By : jay mann

Our teeth can become stained or discolored with time. Poor eating and drinking habits can often contribute to a yellow or otherwise discolored. In order to recover your beautiful smile, you should undergo a whitening treatment.

Cigarettes, coffee, tea and food containing colorants make the teeth look dull and unhealthy, however, a laser whitening procedure can reverse these negative effects. Dentists claim that the laser treatment can render one's teeth whiter than they've ever been.

Laser treatments offer some advantages over other methods as they are faster and gentler to your teeth, as the time required for the procedure has decreased from 60 to 16 minutes.

Another benefit of the laser treatment is the fact that the patient is not forced to wear a tray overnight.

With the popularity of the many different flavored coffees on the market there are many people needing to whiten their teeth. There are many teeth whitening products available today.Once you know the origins of your teeth discoloration, it's going to be a lot easier to stop taking those teeth staining substances you already do and if your teeth are discolored naturally, you know that your next stop should be at a professional teeth whitening company or dentist. For those who do not have naturally discolored teeth, Laser teeth whitening procedures or Zoom teeth whitening as they are sometimes known are probably the best way to start your teeth cleansing campaign.

Today, a lot of people are spending more money just to have their teeth whiter. They make use of the best teeth whitening treatments and undergo procedures to achieve the brilliant white teeth. Teeth whitening had been an effective procedure to lighten the colour of the teeth, without taking away any of the tooth surface. It will not completely whiten the whole set of teeth, it will just lighten the existing colour of the teeth. Look younger with Lazer teeth whitening and as well as getting whiter teeth the treatment will help you look younger.

The teeth whitening expert will have to check your teeth and ensure that you are fit for the treatment. The total procedure is usually done in an hour. The effects of this power whitening is said to last up to three years depending on the person. The teeth whitening expert still advice not to smoke, eat and drink products that may cause a stain in your teeth. Others may find their teeth vulnerable to cold after the treatment. But these symptoms usually vanish within a few days. These are just two of the famous and best teeth whitening methods available. Despite the fact that they may cost a lot, the effect is still worth it. Through these methods, you'll surely flash everyone a perfect smile.

What did we do before Laser teeth whitening well In years gone by what did we do to remove the day to day stains on our teeth? Well there was methods like toothwhitening tooth paste and soda but really I am guessing there was no tangible solutions that worked. Today we have many different whitening options, treatments and products.

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Want To Learn How To Cure Insomnia? Posted By : Vance Kadasian

Insomnia is considered as being a very serious sleeping disorder that can affect anyone regardless of their age, race or gender and for which you will need to find a suitable cure; or else, suffer from lack of sleep for lengthy periods of time. No doubt, there are many drugs as well as other kinds of aids that you can try in order to cure insomnia; but, there are more practical options available that you need to find out more about.

Don't Take Drugs

So, if you are wondering just how to cure insomnia then you need to first of all dispel the notion that it involves taking drugs or using other kinds of aids. The real answer to the question 'how to cure insomnia' is that you need to tailor your diet to suit your condition and in addition you need to be very careful about what you drink. The more care you take about what you eat and drink the more likely it is that you will find the real answer to the question 'how to cure insomnia.'

Of course, before you find out more about how to cure insomnia you need to learn more about the common insomnia symptoms that fall into three major categories: difficulty in falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night and waking up very early in the morning after which they cannot fall asleep again.

The simple truth is that the more you suffer from insomnia the worse off your mind and body will be and so you must not waste any time in learning how to cure insomnia. With solutions such as proper diet and healthy lifestyles available it would indeed be a pity to ignore these methods and settle instead for sleeping pills and other artificial aids.

Of course, if you are worried that changing your diet means that you cannot eat anything but Brussels sprouts, think again. In fact the answer to how to cure insomnia is not all that extreme because you are only required to be careful about what you eat and drink. Typically, cutting out caffeine is a simple though effective cure for insomnia and one that anyone can do.

You will also do well to check out different ways to cure insomnia. The simple truth is that if you do not get sufficient sleep you will not only feel very irritated but your health will take a real nosedive and your wellbeing too will suffer. So, it pays to learn how to cure insomnia with whatever means as are available so that you are in a position to begin the road to recovery while it is still possible.

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What is Severe Chronic Insomnia? Posted By : Vance Kadasian

It is not uncommon for adults to suffer from insomnia at one time or another. Most bouts of insomnia will correct themselves within a matter of days. However, longer instances can begin to affect daily life in a number of negative ways. When insomnia lasts for three weeks or longer, it is classified as severe chronic insomnia. Chronic because the condition is ongoing and severe because of the effect it can have on daily life. This article will delve into the basics of severe chronic insomnia, including how it can affect your life and what you can do about it.

The Impact of Insomnia
Most of us know how it feels to suffer from occasional sleep deprivation. We have experienced the challenges of problem solving or decision making when our brains feel cloudy from insufficient rest. Imagine how you would feel if that was your frequent state of mind. People who suffer with severe chronic insomnia can have a very hard time getting through the tasks of the day. They may have trouble making decisions or using good judgment. They may make frequent errors and even suffer from accidents on a regular basis. People suffering with severe chronic insomnia may have decreased reaction time while driving or working other types of machinery. They can become a danger to themselves and those around them.

There are other ways that severe chronic insomnia can affect people. Sleep deprivation can render the immune system less effective, making you more prone to a variety of illnesses. It can affect your mental function and cause regular tension headaches and gastrointestinal problems. Sometimes severe chronic insomnia can lead to depression or anxiety. Many people who suffer with frequent sleep deprivation can also pack on excess weight, leading to other potential health issues. It is pretty clear that severe chronic insomnia is not good for your mental or your physical health.

Treatment Options
The good news is that there are treatment options for severe chronic insomnia. In some cases, chronic fatigue insomnia is caused by physical conditions like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome. When these conditions are effectively treated, the insomnia is improved. In other cases, a combination of medication and behavioral therapies can be used to help you fall asleep and stay asleep more effectively. Once you are getting sufficient shut-eye, many of the problems caused by severe chronic insomnia will disappear as well. Talk to your doctor about solutions for your severe chronic insomnia and get on the road to more sleep and better health.

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How to Cure Heartburn - Treating Your Heartburn Using 2 of the Best Herbal Remedies Posted By : Alvin Hopkinson

More than 70 million Americans are known to suffer from heartburn every year. Poor eating habits and trigger factors such as spicy and acidic foods are some of the reasons why there are constant sufferers of this disorder.

What is interesting though is that people in some countries, merely make use of natural herbs and medicines in order to remedy their indigestion attacks. In as much as we are often in a dilemma on how to cure this ailment, consider some of the herbal remedies proven to be effective for its treatment.

Two of the best herbal medicines known through the ages as the most effective remedy for heartburn are Chamomile and Ginger. Let us find out, how adapting these natural medicines can provide us with relief:


Chamomile, scientifically known as Matricaria recutita. This is popularly known as German chamomile or manzanilla. The flowers and the leaves are boiled and taken as tea. Based on medical studies, the continuous drinking of chamomile tea increases the amino acid glycine, which is effective in relieving muscles spasms including the lower esophageal sphincter.

Accordingly, glycine will remain active for a certain period of time even if a sufferer discontinues the drinking of chamomile tea. Hence, its scientific backing makes this herbal medicine highly recommended as a solution on how to cure heartburn.


Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale. Ginger is commonly used in cooking and can be used as a delicacy or medicine. As a medicine, it has been frequently used to treat heartburn because of its stimulant and carminative properties.

In fact, ginger is included in the safe list of FDA approved herbal products. However, caution is required when using this herb as medicine because it has been proven to interact with some medicines.

Scientific researchers are in a rush to find the medicinal properties of these herbal medicines. Cost efficient and healthy alternative medicines as cure for various illnesses are of significant importance in the current state of global affairs. Gearing toward less synthetic cures and paving the way for natural remedies provide for a healthier environment.

Learning how to cure heartburn using two of the best herbal medicines is a way of going back to basics. Traditional folks have used them even during ancient times. It is a welcome thought that the science community is finally concentrating fully on this matter. Perhaps, unpleasant side effects from synthetic medicines will now become a thing of the past.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and acid reflux treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your acid reflux for good using proven home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now for more useful articles such as: GERD Natural Remedy

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The Appropriate Way to Use Toothbrush Posted By : Kimberly Johnson

Whenever we were woken up from our wonderful dreams just to do our teeth or told to clean our teeth before retiring to bed, we just hated it. And the sense of hatred increased the moment those cold touches of water came in contact with our warm, drowsy eyes. But, regardless of this loathing, we now know that brushing teeth was a vital part of complete dental care and was intended for the security of our teeth. We know very well that those toothbrushes that we masticate sometimes in hate and infrequently in liking are our best protection tool against tooth rot and dog breath. So, let's target this tool- toothbrush and know something about the right and the incorrect paths to use it.
The first and most important rule to use toothbrushes is that you shouldn't share it with anybody. If you share your toothbrush with anyone, you may end up exchanging several body fluids with the person. This can cause oral infections. Those with a weak immune mechanism and hence more given to getting infected should follow follow this principle. Often we keep several toothbrushes in the same holder, which then rub onto one another. This also needs to be avoided because it is the same as sharing toothbrushes with others. You should get an enormous toothbrush holder to prevent any contact between the toothbrushes.
You should totally wash your mouth after you clean your pearly whites. In case you do not rinse your mouth well, you may have toothpaste and food fragments left in your mouth. The food particles act as a breeding grounds for germs. You can also use an antibacterial mouth cleaner after you brush your teeth.
Some people are over careful about toothbrushes and so they keep them covered. But to keep the toothbrushes always covered is not right. This is so because if you cover your toothbrush at every point, you would create a damp environment that assists in the expansion of bacteria and other microorganisms.
You must understand that you need to replace your toothbrush after using it for maximum four months. However, sometimes you might have to throw away your toothbrush earlier than that. If the bristles of your toothbrush become splayed or appear overused, you should immediately replace it with a new one. To change the toothbrushes is necessary not because of microbial infections, it is essential because you cannot clean your teeth properly with worn out toothbrushes. In case you think that your toothbrush is not worn out and can be used further, you can surely continue to use it.
There is no real need for you to disinfect your toothbrush very often. You can rinse it in a mouthwash once in a while. You should not cleanse your toothbrush with antimicrobial agents extremely often as this will damage the feel of its bristles and make it not suitable for brushing.
A good toothbrush is necessary if you want to keep your teeth in good health. You should also take several other measures, such as to keep your brush in good condition and maintain the best possible dental health.

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Generic Cialis: The Males Companion Posted By : JohnSmith1

Erectile dysfunction or Impotence is gaining more and more victim among men that ages 40 and above. This harmful condition has made many men lost their sex life and lives the life that is incomplete. The alarming figures of men affected by this disease push experts to conduct studies and research on how to combat this disastrous disease of men. There are many anti Ed drugs that were born and one of them is Tadalafil.

Generic Ciallis is Tadalafil that was initiated to the market by two drug companies named ICOS and Eli Lilly. Its longer effect that is 36 hours make Generic Ciallis different from other leading brand. This will allow the user enjoy more period of time with his partner.

Generic Ciallis is available in 5mg, 10mg, 20mg tablet form but it is proper to consult your doctor before purchasing and taking this drug. Every individual has different dosage depending on different factors such as age, weight and health conditions so it is highly recommended that you must seek advice from your doctor for proper dosage.

Headache, back pain, muscle aches, flushing and stuffy or runny nose are some of those side effects that may arise while under this medication. Although this are mild and manageable but there are rare cases of much severe conditions that had happen to only few users. It is always beneficial to take extra careful while under medication and remember that if you feel unlikely after you take the drug don't waste time go to the doctor right away.

Generic Ciallis is not an over the counter drug that can be brought any where. It is better to buy on online pharmacy to make sure that you've got the original product. There are some unscrupulous persons that sell fake drugs so beware. The advantage of buying online is no more hassle on your part to go out and drive your way to the nearest drugstore. In just one click your order will be process and deliver on your doorstep in due time.

Generic Ciallis is really effective and safe. More and more men are using them to treat their ED. Those persons who had successfully enjoyed their sex life again with the help of Generic Ciallis are ready to testify how their life changes by this drug. Today, men with erectile dysfunction are truly very lucky because inspite of their condition they can still enable to revive their sex life and enjoy it as if they are just normally able because
Generic Ciallis always help them to get it through.

Generic Ciallis is first of its kind. There are many ED drugs that claim to be very effective and safe, yes it is true but no other drug allows longer time of erection than generic Ciallis So if you want to spend longer time to enjoy your sex encounter, Generic Ciallis is your companion.

Men suffering from erectile dysfunction are very lucky nowadays because of the breakthrough of erectile dysfunction drugs that are sold at a very affordable price. One of them is the Generic Cialis. In line with the famous Viagra, Generic Cialis is also rising up to popularity as one of the most effective drugs in treating impotence. Tadalafil is the composition of Generic Cialis and it is in tablet form. The longer effect of this drug which last within 36 hrs is what makes it different from the rest.

Generic Cialis is taken upon doctors' advice. Just like other erectile dysfunction drugs it also displayed side effects that usually occur after taking this medication. There are cases that the effects are mild and tolerable like headache, back pain, muscle aches, flushing and stuffy or runny nose but there also some rare cases of more complex side effect. It is important to consider the importance of doctor's prescription before taking Generic Cialis because the dosage for every individual varies depending on its age, weight and health conditions. What is good with Generic Cialis aside from treating ED is one dose of it daily is useful in relieving pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Generic Cialis was introduced by two drug companies ICOS and Eli Lilly in the year 1998 but it was only in the year 2002 after the test conducted by American Urology Association that they found out that this drug works within 36hrs. It has 17.5 half life which is longer many times than Viagra which has only 4.0 half life. Due to its longer effect many men using other brand shifted to Generic Cialis to meet their sexual satisfaction.

Because of the access of internet, these drugs can be purchased easily. Generic Cialis together with other generic drugs are now available on online pharmacies. There are websites that are authorized dealer of Generic Cialis and other similar product. One of them is the . It offers big discounts to its costumer much more when you order volume of its products. Visit their website and take advantage of these offered low prices. Depending on your doctor's prescription, Generic Cialis can be purchase in different doses 5mg, 10mg, and 20mg tablet form.

Truly, that today's generation is luckier than before. The discovery of many wonderful drugs allows many men suffering from impotence achieve proper treatment and live a normal sex life forever. This must be really luck to men because the availability of generic drugs, allows many men suffering from ED achieve treatment at a cheaper price.

So restore the active sex life, take advantage of the longer effects of Generic Cialis today.

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Care For Some Impelling Paint Ball Game Tips? Posted By : EdwinPutnam

Business Paintball

There are many occasions in which a game of paintball can be a great activity. Few people would think to use paintball as a way to increase business success. However, these events take place more often than you think. Companies have long recognized the value of fun events to boost morale as well as increase employee business skills. Many corporations have also recognized the importance of allowing their workers to socialize and build friendly relationships in a more relaxed setting, such as with retreats. The paintball game can teach both competitiveness and the ability for employees to work together in a team. Keep in mind that safety equipment and efficient, effective instruction are necessities for this type of activity. This will help avoid chaotic randomness and let business employees enjoy the opportunity and learn what they need to from the experience.

Paintball Bruises

A major detriment to the popularity of paintball is the idea that it is a painful sport. Now to be perfectly honest, paintballs can cause bruises. Most bruises that are caused by paintballs are from shots taken from a close distance. As long as players are mindful of the right distances at which to take shots, there is little chance that you will be pelted with painful paintball shots. Also, if you are wearing appropriate protective gear, paintball shots should have little effect on you other than to splatter you with paint. So if you have put off playing paintball because of the fear of pain, simply dress well for the occasion and go out and enjoy yourself.

Getting Enough Players to the Paintball Field

The disadvantage of team sports is that it is hard to play without a sufficient number of people. If you plan to play a winner-take-all paintball game, you will want at least four players. For team games, you should try to have at least six people. One way to make sure you have enough people to play is to plan the game early. You should probably try to schedule games one to two weeks before the date, and give a reminder call a couple days before the game happens. This might seem like a lot of work for a simple paintball game, but you be well rewarded when you bring multiple friends into this exciting sport. As you have more and more games you can set up a scheduled match once or twice a month and it will be hardly any work to get everyone together.

Target Practice Drills for Paintball

As you practice paintball, one of the most beneficial ways to spend your time is to participate in target practice. Target practice does not have to be anything elaborate; for example, you can set up pop cans and shoot at them from a distance. When practicing, it is better to start simple and gradually grow more complicated. To get used to hitting a target accurately with your paintball gun, practice shooting at one target while standing or kneeling. Once you have done several rounds of shooting in this manner, proceed to more complicated methods of target practice such as shooting a target while running or shooting at a moving target. These more complicated maneuvers are the ones you will be using when you actually play the game. Remember that hitting the target a few times is not enough; to be a great player, you need to be consistent. Repetition will help you achieve this. Do not be afraid to take several days or weeks to perfect a certain skill, such as taking a running shot, before moving on to others.

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What to eat for Healthy, Younger Looking Skin Posted By : Lisel Torgerson

Most everyone suffers from some kind of skin problem. Acne, hyperpigmentation, age spots, blackheads and sensitive skin are some of these problems. Keeping your skin healthy is very important, because it is your body's barrier against the outside world.
Every skin problem has its own set of causes. The basic factor is genetics, but there are steps that you can take to keep your skin healthy and glowing. This article will discuss how what you eat can keep your skin looking younger and healthier.
Eating your way to Healthy Skin
The best natural skin care products on the market are healthy foods. So, let's see some of the ways you can put this into practice.
Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids are vital for healthy skin. They keep cell membranes strong. Strong cell membranes mean that your cells will hold moisture and nutrients in a better way.
The better your cells hold moisture, the plumper your skin will be.
Omega 3 and omega 6 are the most common fatty acids. Apparently it is easy to get the recommended allowance of Omega 6s, but Omega 3s are usually missing in our diet. To fix this situation, incorporate foods such as fish, walnuts and flax seeds into your diet.
Healthy Oils
Eating good-quality oils helps keep skin lubricated and keeps it looking and feeling healthier.
Cold pressed oils, like olive oil, are the best option if you're looking for high quality oils. Commercially processed oils are processed by heat which reduces their nutrient content and positive benefits. It is only necessary to intake a couple of tablespoons a day of any oil since they are high in calories.
Many experts agree that selenium, which can be found in whole grains, white meats and nuts, plays an important role in keeping your skin cells healthy. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.
Also, the incorporation of whole grains to your diet, will make you less likely to fill up on "white" foods. These foods include white-flour products, sugar, salt and white rice. All of these can lead to unstable insulin levels and inflammation which can lead to skin breakouts.
Green Tea
Green tea is a food product that has anti-inflammatory properties and can help protect cell membranes. Some sources suggest that it can also reduce the risk of skin cancer. To reap its full benefits, you can either ingest it or apply it directly to your skin.
Hydration is an important factor when it comes to healthy and younger looking skin. When that hydration comes from pure, clean water experts say skin cells rejoice.
In addition to keeping cells hydrated, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out. With proper hydration, your body can also sweat more efficiently and keep your skin cleaner and healthier.

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Creating a Splash...Fish Pedicures?! Posted By : Dr. Jennifer Feeny

As I walked around a local mall last weekend while traveling, I noticed an advertisement for the fish pedicure. The fish pedicure is a new type of inexpensive pedicure that is popular in Asian and Turkish countries, is starting to gain attention in the United States. It is advertised as a new way to rid your feet of dry, dead skin using fish. The pedicure involves submerging your feet in water while tiny little fish, called garra rufa, nibble away at your feet. Sound strange, well it should, as women are trying various ways to have smoother skin on their feet, why not try fish...just one more thing to add to the list of foot remedies. Since many states don't allow the use of razors due to the sharps hazard and the sanitation issues, getting rid of the calloused skin on the feet, for some women, has become more tedious and requiring a little more work. Fish pedicures have already been banned in a few states in the United States due to health concerns. While not banned in most states, there is code in some areas that call for sanitizing of the fish but those sanitation requirements would kill the fish. So assuming until there are complaints or issues, then sanitation requirements may not be enforced.

Although there have not been any negative reports, the jury is still out on if there are any negative effects in this treatment. While this new treatment may seem harmless, there is no evidence as to whether any diseases or condition can be transmitted from fish to human, still proceed with caution. While the chances of contracting anything from the fish may be minimal, contracting something from the water may be more likely. The water in which you submerge your feet for the treatment, is supposed to be changed and clean water used for each new customer. Also, each customer's feet are supposed to be cleaned prior to the treatment and inspected for any possible infection or foot problems.

With that in mind, the question to ask yourself is: who is qualified in the salon as to whether a foot condition is infectious or not? Remember the individual performing your treatment is not a trained physician, and cannot definitively decide if a condition is infectious or not. As tinea pedis, aka athlete's foot, can look like just dry, peeling skin, to the average salon worker. Plus, with the possibly of turning a customer away may make a business owner think twice about sanitation efforts. So with all foot treatments, keep in mind your personal medical conditions, as novelty treatments, no matter how popular can be costly in the long run. If you have dry, calloused skin on your feet, consult your podiatrist for treatment. Be an advocate for your foot health.

Copyright (c) 2009 Dr. Jennifer Feeny

Dr. Jennifer Feeny is a board certified podiatrist in Blacksburg Virginia. To read more of what Dr. Feeny is saying about foot health visit visit her webite, Shenandoah Podiatry.

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Natural Ways to deal with Dry Skin Posted By : Julie Greenmayer

Dry skin is usually not a serious condition. However, it can make your skin tight and uncomfortable and lead to premature wrinkles.
When dry skin does become a serious condition, it can cause disfiguring and provoke self-esteem issues. Fortunately, most dry skin problems are generated due to environmental factor that can be controlled. In the following text, we will look at lifestyle changes and natural remedies to treat dry skin problems.
Changes in Your Lifestyle
There are several changes that you will have to make to improve your dry skin. They are very straightforward modifications that will not disrupt your daily routine.
Lifestyle Change 1 - Tips for Moisturizing Dry Skin
Moisturizing is a vital step to keep your skin healthy especially if it is dry. Use thick moisturizers while your skin is still damp. Never towel dry your skin completely.
Using cosmetics that contain moisturizers is also a good idea. If you have very dry skin, we suggest you use oils instead of lotions or creams. Oils stay on longer than lotions and will prevent water from evaporating from the skin's surface.
Lifestyle Change 2- Bath Time
Always use warm water and do not bathe for an extended period of time. Hot water and long showers eliminate the natural oils from your skin. Keep your shower and bath time under 15 minutes and use warm water.
Lifestyle Change 3 - Types of soaps for Dry Skin
The best cleansers for dry skin are those that contain moisturizers. Pick mild soaps that contain additional oils and fats. Stay away from deodorant and antibacterial detergents because they will be especially harsh to your skin.
Always test out different brands of soaps and cleanser to find out which one is best for you. If the cleanser makes your skin tight and itchy, try another one.
Natural Oils and Homemade Remedies for Dry Skin
Many oils can be used as a natural moisturizer for your skin. Olive oil is the most common, but there are others like aloe-vera oil, lavender oil, wheat germ oil among others. You can use any of these oils separately or combine them with other oils or natural products to create your own natural dry skin moisturizer.
Natural Moisturizer Recipe:
1 tsp. aloe vera oil
1 tsp. jojoba oil
2 tsp. sweet-almond oil
2 tsp. wheat-germ oil
5 drops palmarosa essential oil
3 drops carrot-seed essential oil
2 drops lavender essential oil
Combine the oils and store in the refrigerator in a glass container. Cleanse your face and apply 7 drops of the oil mixture with gentle motions until your skin has absorbed it completely. To attain the maximum effects, use the moisturizer for 6 months.
Although these ingredients are natural, check with a specialist to avoid any unwanted side effects.

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Vasectomy Reversal Doctor Posted By : David Done

Seven Myths about Choosing a Vasectomy Reversal Doctor

When you finally make the decision to have your vasectomy reversed, your important decisions don't stop there. Next, you will have to find the best surgeon available to perform your vasectomy reversal. During this time, it can be easy to fall victim to a number of common mistakes made by couples looking for a qualified surgeon. Here are seven of the most common myths about choosing a vasectomy reversal doctor.

Myth #1: If a doctor claims that he or she can perform a vasectomy reversal, then they probably can.

Don't ever take a doctor at their word until they offer you proof of their claim. Not all surgeons are specially trained in the delicacies of microsurgery. If the urologist claims that they have performed a few reversals in the past, they probably don't use the most modern techniques necessary for achieving the expected results.

Myth #2: Your best choice for a vasectomy reversal doctor is one located closest to your home.

In vasectomy reversal procedures, as in most surgeries, convenience is not an option. Sometimes, if you want to be treated by the best in the field, travel may be required. Choosing convenience over quality is never a good idea, especially in the case of a surgical procedure.

Myth #3: The urologist who performed your original vasectomy can perform your vasectomy reversal.

Just because an urologist is capable of performing a vasectomy, it does not mean that that doctor is educated in microsurgery techniques required for performing a reverse vasectomy. Whereas an original vasectomy is a relatively short and simple procedure, a reversal is a longer and much more delicate one that requires a surgeon who is specially trained in the field.

Myth #4: All vasectomy reversal doctors are equally effective.

People are individuals and as such, some are better than others. This applies to people of all job classifications, from NFL players to office managers to doctors. Just because your primary doctor refers you to a certain surgeon, don't take their word that they are the best. Do your own research and find the best vasectomy reverse doctor you can.

Myth #5: When choosing a vasectomy reversal doctor, always go with the best price.

Choosing a doctor who charges the best price is never a good way to find the best person capable for performing your vasectomy reversal. But, a doctor who charges the most isn't necessarily the best person to perform it either. Do your research and find the best vasectomy reversal doctor you can afford, regardless of how much you will pay or how much you will save.

Myth #6: It's cheaper to go with in-vitro fertilization.

IVF is proven to ultimately cost up to three times as much as a vasectomy reversal procedure. In addition, vasectomy reversals are safer and shown to produce slightly higher pregnancy success rates than IVF.

Myth #7: If a vasectomy reversal doctor's website looks professional, then he or she must also be.

Anybody can hire someone to create a professional-looking website. Don't look at a doctor's website as an indication of their level of expertise.

Vasectomy Reversal California - Finest, safest, affordable and the most result-oriented Vasectomy Reversal experience in the USA.

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The Main Causes of Dandruff and Existing Cures Posted By : Dody 143 Gasparik143

Dandruff can be best described as excessive shedding of dead cells from the scalp. Shedding of dead cells from the scalp is normal as long as it is not excessive. It is part of the regular process of cell renewal. The cells form in lower skin levels and are gradually pushed upwards by the new, growing cells that form underneath. By the time the cells reach the skin surface, they have died and become flat and they overlap each other like roof tiles and are ready to depart the scalp. In a normal, healthy scalp, the dead cells leave the surface unnoticeably. With dandruff, the whole process is accelerated and a larger number of dead cells are shed, forming big clumps that are visible to the naked eye. Dandruff is a common condition and some estimates say that it affects up to 50% of the population at some point in their lives.

There are three known causes and types of dandruff and each one of them has to be treated differently. Some people mistake dandruff for dry scalp and start shampooing their hair less frequently, which, in the case of dandruff, leads to a worsening of their condition. The most common cause of dandruff is the overgrowth of a fungus that normally lives in our scalp called malassezia. This fungus feeds on the natural grease in the scalp, converting it into oleic acid. The reasons for the sudden proliferation of this fungus remain unknown.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis leads to a more severe form of dandruff than malassezia, causing greasy bran-like scales. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is often accompanied by skin inflammation that, besides the scalp, also affects the eyebrows, ears, the skin around your nose and the lines on your cheeks, forehead and armpits. In moderate climates this condition typically improves in summer as direct sunlight relieves its symptoms. Cradle cap, however frightening it may appear, is a mild form of seborrhoeic dermatitis affecting only infants and it clears itself by the time the baby turns one year old.

Psoriasis is the third known cause of dandruff, leading to its most serious form. It causes itchiness and inflammation of the skin and produces thick, silvery scales which occur most often in the scalp, knees and lower back. Psoriasis results in rapid shedding of the skin and, if this shedding occurs from the scalp, it is called dandruff. This condition affects about 2% of the population and like the two aforementioned forms of dandruff, it is not contagious. An excessively oily scalp, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, elevated scalp sensitivity, extreme stress, heart problems, etc. are often associated with an increased occurrence of all forms of dandruff. It has also been observed that some cases of dandruff are triggered by chemical substances contained in hair care products. However, the exact cause of any of the aforementioned dandruff-triggering conditions is not known.

When it comes to available treatment options, for a start it sometimes helps to wash your hair more often and use a mild shampoo. In more severe conditions it is advisable to try some of the special anti-dandruff shampoos freely available in pharmacies. For yet more severe cases you will need to see your doctor to prescribe you a prescription strength shampoo, which typically contains the same active ingredients as OTC products but in a higher concentration. The active substances used in anti-dandruff shampoos can include any of the following: salicylic acid, coal tar, zinc pyrithione, sulphur, selenium sulphide, ketoconazole, corticosteroids and caffeine. Each one of them addresses the problem from a different angle. For the most serious conditions, corticosteroid and anthralin treatments will typically be prescribed by your doctor.

You can learn more about treatments for dandruff by visiting GreyHairLoss.com, a platform dedicated to exploring and evaluating treatments for various hair conditions, such as male pattern baldness, premature gray hair as well as alopecia areata and dandruff. You can help to build up this platform by sharing your own experiences of hair care products you have used.

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Laser Acne Treatment, How It Works Posted By : Mercy Maranga

Laser acne treatment is a new form of treatment that is used to remove and treat acne scars. Acne scars may make you feel uncomfortable and embarrassed around people. A scar normally forms at the site of an injury. Here, the injury is a as a result of the body's inflammatory response to the sebum bacteria and the dead cells in the sebaceous follicle. Excessive production of collagen is a response by the skin cells to an injury. The excess collagen is piled in fibrous masses leading to a scar

This form of treatment involves two types of procedures, that is, laser resurfacing and fractional laser therapy. Laser resurfacing is form of laser acne treatment that involves the use of a laser on the scarred part to burn off the top layers of the skin. Removal of the top skin triggers the inner layers of the skin to immediately start cell and collagen reproduction in a bid to replace the missing skin. The new skin is normally much healthier and normal looking.

Fractional laser therapy is another procedure that usually involves the use of a laser to penetrate the inner layers of the skin without causing any damage to the top layer of your skin. You can go for this procedure when you have a protruding or a bumpy scar. Burning off the underlying layers of the skin helps to smoothen and make level the scarred area with the rest of your skin.

Fractional laser therapy is more effective than laser resurfacing. It is however more costly and lasts longer as compared to conventional laser resurfacing. In general, laser acne treatment is more expensive as compared to the other methods of treatment.

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Baby Acne Posted By : Mercy Maranga

Baby acne normally develops on the cheeks, the forehead and the scalp. Rarely, this condition may manifest as blackheads or as back acne. This form is very common and normally appears about three to four weeks after birth. Although it is very rare for a baby to be born with acne, the presence of tiny bumps on the face of your new born is usually an unrelated skin condition. It is normally referred to as milia and is harmless. It usually disappears after a few days.

Although it is unclear what causes this condition, experts say that excess hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce sebum which is in turn secreted in the skin. When the sebum is mixed with other dead skin cells, it results into the disease. In baby acne, the hormones are produced by the mother and are passed onto the baby via the placenta.

Acne normally manifests in babies after three to four weeks because it is only after the baby has been born that the excess oil will mix with debris and clog the pores. You should not worry when your baby develops acne because it is perfectly natural. It normally disappears on its own after a few weeks.

This condition is normally not dangerous but you can try the following measures to help clear the disease. Use baby soap to clean gently the baby's skin at least twice a day, that is, in the morning and in the evening. Do not scrub because it may lead to further irritation. Use a soft towel to dry the baby after the bath. These measures can help clear baby acne and therefore you don't have to go for medicated treatments

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Acne Blackheads Posted By : Mercy Maranga

Acne blackheads are comedones that appear as blackish dots on the surface of the skin. Unlike whiteheads, blackheads are tiny and can stay the same size without necessarily resulting in an inflammation. Although they can appear on any part of the skin, they mostly affect the face and the arms. If you don't properly treat them, there are chances that they can develop into either scars or cystic acne.

Blackheads develop when the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum which fills the sebaceous duct as well as the pores of the skin. When sebum is mixed with other skin cells, they clog the pore leading to inflammation and a pimple results. When the pores are not inflamed, the result is normally an acne blackhead.

Treating this condition is slightly different from treating other types of pimples. Regular acne cleaning may not clear a blackhead because in this case the affected area is not usually inflamed. This is unlike in other regular pimples where once you control the inflammation, the clogged pores can be cleared.

You can use a facial mask to treat blackheads. In this treatment, you start by washing your face with a warm solution. This helps in opening the pores, you then apply the facial mask and leave it for sometime. When you eventually remove the facial mask, it will clear the excess oil and open the pores. You may add a follow-up lotion as a finishing technique. The lotion will help tighten the pores. You can also use facial scrubs to treat acne blackheads. The scrubs usually contain granules that are used for exfoliating the skin. Scrubbing removes dead skin cells and this helps in opening the pores.

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Know More about Magnetic Therapy Posted By : walsh10707a

Magnetic Therapy is very famous in India, Greece and Egypt. Today, it is used by millions of people throughout the world. In recent years with the help of much research its popularity has spread towards some European countries. Magnets are thought to help in the circulation of blood. Common ailments related to pain can be treated through magnetic therapy. So to can it help a host of other conditions.

How Safe Is Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is proven to be clinically safe. The World Health Organization has also confirmed magnetic therapy to be safe. Magnetic therapy promotes health and wellness. No cases or reports of harmful effects of magnetic therapy have been heard so far. It is also effective as a preventive measure. It regulates the immunity system and promotes self healing. No risks associated with Magnetic therapy have been discovered so far in hundreds, if not thousands of years.

PLEASE NOTE - Magnets can though, effect micro-chips so any one wearing an implanted device with micro-chips like a pacemaker can not use Magnetic Therapy. It is not advised during pregnancy either.

How Does Magnetic Therapy Work

Magnetic therapy is a user friendly curative system. It works on the principle that the magnetic field creates healing cellular level. It does not heal or cure any disease rather its magnets provide magnetic energy to the body. This in turn helps the body repair itself. Magnets allow the body to re-balance itself. There are magnets for the whole body, from wrists to backs and from shoulder supports to knee wraps. Magnets have a life of five to six years. Thereafter, they need to be recharged.

Uses of Magnetic Therapy

Magnets are used in a lot of ailments and conditions.

* It is used to help aches and even chronic pain.
* Magnetic water may offer relief from skin allergies and rashes.
* Used by many to reduce anxiety and stress.
* Used to help relieve headache and migraine.
* Thought to offer relief from allergies of the respiratory system like sneezing, sinus and coughing.
* Often used for lower back pain (Lumbago).
* It relieves the discomfort of stiff neck and other joint pain..

Magnetic Bracelets

Magnetic bracelets are easy to wear and quite affordable. They fit any wrist between 6.5 and 8.5 inches. Each bracelet has two magnets with the north-pole facing the skin. Each magnet is 1600 or 1700 gauss. The Active Premier Magnetic Bracelets are the highest quality available. Each link in every bracelet has 2000 gauss Neodymium magnets. This increases the active longevity of the bracelet. Copper has been used since ages to heal joint and muscle pain. Magnetic copper bracelets are very useful for it. The copper from the bracelet gets transferred to the wrist and is then absorbed in the blood stream. This may well help in healing.

You can wear a magnet without feeling self conscious. You can wear a magnetic headband while jogging. Magnetic necklaces in silver, gold and gunmetal, that could treat bronchitis and may protect against asthmatic attack, can be worn even for parties. Magnetic earrings and pendants protect against under-active thyroid and don't look bad. A magnetic goggle gives double benefits as it may help with conjunctivitis and glaucoma.

Non De Plume is a magnetic therapy expert who writes on magnetic therapy topics. Learn about the magnetic therapy, magnetic bracelets, pain relief, magnetic health, magnet therapy at

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Register stimulating informations about medical insurance Posted By : Lukas Versicherungsvergleich

There is so some collection you can get your keeping on and lots of diverse companies to choose from. There are also those where you can commence in your collection and info of what you require and they testament gain the superfine iterate for you, so they do all the hard apply leaving your exclusive extend to prefer which one to go with.

The law states that any chosen direction MUST be donated at the same value disregarding where the transact was prefab, whether it be from a health protection office an shelter broker or contract steady, it moldiness be oversubscribed at the very damage. You moldiness annotation nonetheless that the last outgo module depend on confident factors specified as your medical records, age, and sexuality and how active/non live your animation name is. So this is e'er good to couple before you start shopping around online.

Formerly you bang open a computer online for tacky examination shelter get sure they make freed quotes, if you comprehend sites that are charging you for this author then reach, it is against the law to asseveration clients for this aid. Also it is rattling laboursaving to grow a place which stop out lots of opposite contract circle's. This saves you a lot of clip and is a high way to ascertain the unsurpassed handle. At the selfsame dimension change that the associate you are signing up with act their livelihood throughout your eudaimonia fixture guidance, including unrestricted sound concord, defend this out before actually gross the outgrowth.

If you are not a machine sound as many of us aren't don't trouble, all the sites are shapely in the identical initialise and are casual to realise. You gift be assumption threesome stages to transform finished, the gear being Quotes, then scrutiny protection plans and eventually applying online. You leave requirement to ply much collection as whether you or the additional menage members you are including in the design evaporation or not, you leave be asked for the place, weights, gender and day of birthing of everyone implicated in the project and whether or not you are employed, unemployed or a intellectual.

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Information Concerning Candida Skin Moles Posted By : Naomi West

For numerous people moles are great to have because they appear as a birthmark or they are located in just the right place that makes them unusual. But for other individuals these are a skin blemish that they do not like to have. There are different types of skin moles that are specified by what makes them.

One common type is the candida mole. This specific mole is something that individuals - men and women alike - hope to never have any kind of problems with. This is caused by the bacteria ordinarily known as candida albicans. This is really very popular and seen in many individuals. Still, some people may have problems from them while others might experience nothing.

Individuals who have problems from this will ordinarily have an imbalance candida production - which as we all know can result in a yeast infection that can be located in the vagina, the mouth, or both spots at one time. This can be handled using natural supplements or by shifting your diet. One popular food that is best-known to help battle yeast infections is yogurt. It is made up of a bacteria that aids to fight against the candida.

These skin moles can be much tougher and can affect people the most who have an immune system that has problems caused by diseases or by individuals who are taking antibiotics. They can break out inside of a person's mouth and appear quite white. They are also able to develop in the woman's vagina - but will appear quite red and are able to become inflamed.

Women are some of the worst to be affected by candida skin moles - but they are not the only ones. Infants are at a risk of contracting this problem as well as men. Ordinarily when men have it they will grow in their genital area. It is important that you speak to your doctor instantly if you have this condition so they are able to be dealt with quickly.

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Common Poison Ivy Plant Myths Posted By : Naomi West

Poison ivy is something that we should concern about when we have children who enjoy to search their surroundings and pick up all kinds of various flowers and plants. Just a small touch from this plant has the power to cause them to break out in a rash that is painful and normally takes days or even weeks to eliminate.

Hundreds of individuals concern about this plant throughout the whole year - but within the summertime everybody does what they are able to find out as much as they can about it. During this race for information a few of the facts have become twisted. We want to aid to fix the confusion and separate fact from fiction.

Ability To Get A Rash Without Touching It

The only way that this is manageable is if the urushiol oil that is in the plant that stimulates the rash has come into contact with clothing, animals, or some other plants. Certain individuals who are very sensitive to the plant will have crucial troubles if somebody close to them is seeking to burn the plant to remove it and you breathe in the fumes.

Poison Ivy Is Contagious

The bulk of people will separate their kids and seek to help their child without developing the rash themselves. What they do not understand is that this is not contagious. Fluid that flows from the skin rash or blisters is not transmittable. The only way it can be transmitted is if the kid has not cleaned their skin or clothes that have come into contact with the urushiol oil and someone touches these contaminated spots.

Immunity To Poison Ivy

It is correct that there are particular individuals who will not have any reaction to the plant. That is till they have been exposed to it several times. It is better not to take any chances and to prevent a rash from breaking out even if you believe you might be just fine. This is a poison ivy myth that numerous people take too literally.

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Best Celebrity Smiles - The Celebrities With the Nicest Look Posted By : Daniel Beasley

The best celebrity smiles aren't always perfect smiles. Some are imperfect, but memorable in their own way. Have you ever wondered which of the famous faces on the pages of your magazines have the most beautiful smile? Or, which of the faces has a picture perfect smile? Well, according to recent polls the following celebrity smiles fall into many of these categories.

You can hardly think of celebrity smiles without thinking of Julia Roberts. The Pretty Woman star doesn't have a perfect smile, but it is infectious none the less. The wide grin, the full lips, it makes her memorable year after year.

If you looking for a celebrity smile from a female star that reminds us all of the girl next door, look no further than Jennifer Garner. Jennifer's toothy grin and full lips make her smile warm, welcoming and sexy all at the same time.

Tom Cruise may not have the perfect celebrity smile, but his smile is great none the less. The mega star's imperfect smile has been melting hearts the world over for years now. Cruise may not have perfect teeth, but his pearly whites are still memorable.

If you are looking for a perfect smile Brad Pitt surely fits the bill. The mega star has nice teeth, nice lips and his face is overall gorgeous. What's more, is that it seems the father of six is always smiling. It's no wonder getting this hunk for a film practically breaks the bank.

When it comes to feature films Halle Berry has made some classics, but when it comes to personal features she is a real winner. Halle is flawless, and her beautiful smile is no exception to this. No doubt Halle's little girl Nala will be a knockout just like mom because Halle's boyfriend and Nala's father is just as stunning.

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From the Ear Trumpets to Today's Digital Devices: History of Hearing Aids Posted By : Daniel Beasley

Unless you need one (or know someone who needs one), hearing aids are typically not something that a lot of people think about. However, hearing aids are a vital part of the lives of many people and they have an interesting history.

Today, hearing aids vary in size and can help more hearing problems than they could in the past. In many cases, modern hearing aids are so small and easy to conceal that you may not realize that someone is using one. However, this was not always the case. Take a look at the history of hearing aids.

The first record of a device to assist with hearing is the single ear trumpet. The device, which basically looked like a trumpet that was held to the ear to amplify sound, was first mentioned in the 1700s, although hearing devices like the ear trumpet were most likely used prior to that century.

In the early part of the 19th century, the ear trumpet was updated with the introduction of the Calrvox Lorgnette Trumpet. Similar in design to the original trumpet, it was refined to include a pair of glasses and a slightly less conspicuous form.

The London Dome, which appeared in the 1850s, offered a more-detailed alternative. The London Dome also came in various sizes, allowing someone with mild hearing loss to use a smaller device than someone with a more severe hearing loss.

The next step to modern hearing aids came in 1887 in the form of the ear tube. This device worked by putting one end into the ear of the person with hearing loss, while someone spoke into the other end of the device.

The 20th century renovated the hearing aid, relying on electronics to help those with hearing loss. The desktop hearing aid surfaced in the 1930s. The bulky hearing aid was electric but looked more like a radio than a hearing aid and it needed to sit on a desk because of its size. During the next decade, however, the next step was made with carbon microphone. Still a bit large, this device, which consisted of a microphone and hearing aid, was a popular choice for its day.

The Oticon Pocket Model hearing aid was released in 1953 and gave people with hearing aids more freedom. Unlike previous bulky models, this hearing aid fit easily into the wearer's pocket, making it much easier to use wherever it was needed.

Following the Oticon Pocket Model, over-the-ear hearing aids surfaced in the later 1950s and 1960s, dramatically changing the hearing aid industry. These smaller devices attached directly to the ear and opened the door to the modern-day hearing aid. By the 1970s, manufacturers created hearing aids that fit into the ear canal, concealing them even more. In the 1990s, the digital hearing aids that we have today were first released, allowing for smaller devices with greater clarity.

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Sunday, 12 July 2009

Hypnotherapy The Power of The Mind Posted By : markcb

There is a story, on record, of a diabetic woman with multiple personalities. When her blood sugar levels were tested in her diabetic personality it was found to be dangerously high. However, when she flipped into another personality and the test was taken again immediately, her blood sugar level was now found to be normal. Her blood hadn't had time to be flushed by the liver and kidneys. Now that story is big indicator of the potential power of your mind.

Your Unconscious Mind keeps your blood circulating, your heart beating, your digestion working, it keeps you breathing, blinking and all the other automatic body functions that are outside our conscious awareness. It also manages your body sensations. A moment before you read this, were you aware of the sensation of your feet on the floor, or your back against the chair? Well now you will be. There are sensations coming at you all the time, but you remain unaware of them. And probably a good job too. Your Unconscious Mind manages all of these sensations and body functions, without you having to worry or think about them.

In recent years science has caught up with Hypnosis and we are now beginning to understand the full extent of the connection between mind and body. There is evidence that your mental state and your though processes affect not only the body functions, but also every cell in your body, and this is happening all the time.

Information within the body is carried in the form of electrical impulses across the gaps between nerve cells. This gap is known as a synapse. And it is neuro-transmitters that perform this task of transferring impulses. These neuro-transmitters cover every cell in the body.

So the Unconscious Mind, along with all the other tasks highlighted above, also sends information that is transmitted through billions of cells in our body, giving us health or disease according to our our unconscious beliefs. Therefore it is also true that our immune systems is also controlled by our Unconscious Mind. The immune system is constantly listening in to the sounds, thoughts and pictures we hold in our head, and to the feelings and remembered experiences, good and bad, that are held for a lifetime in your memory. Therefore through the processes of our neuro-transmitters our immune systems are strongly affected by our Unconscious Minds.

And this is how hypnosis, and hypnotherapy, are able to work. By speaking to your Unconscious Mind while in a calm, relaxed state if deep inner focus, it is possible to alter the way we think and feel about ourselves and our bodies. So hypnosis can powerfully utilize the connection between our mind and our body to bring about positive and permanent change.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Hypnotherapy-The-Power-of-The-Mind/956424

Diet Reduce Risks of Cancer (Weight Loss) Posted By : margaret.white

The American Cancer Society Suggests you get to and maintain a healthy weight, exercise vigorously at least 30 minutes a day (preferably 45 to 60 minutes) and eat healthy diet
including at least 5 or more servings of a wide variety of fresh fruit and raw vegetables each day. If you drink alcoholic beverages limit yourself to 1 glass a day for women and 2 glasses daily for men. Preferably avoid alcohol all together.

This is the formula they suggest and I recommend if you want to know how to reduce your risk of cancer cells in the body.

Healthy Weight. Often people have in their mind what weight is healthy for them. Medically speaking, if your body mass index is rated 25 or higher you have an increased risk for many health issues. There is no specific link to cancer other than the fact that there is a greater percentage of people with cancer that are overweight than not. The higher your body mass index is the greater your risks are. There is also a connection to your waist size. For men if your waist is over 40 inches and 35 inches in women, you will have additional health risk as well. Generally, people that carry more weight in their waist are overweight but not always. If they are overweight and have an extra wide waist the risks of health problems are even greater. I know because I have been there personally (waist and weight).

Regular Physical Exercise. We all should be intentional and serious about our regular physical exercise program. Not only will exercise help maintain our healthy weight and great looks but our body releases chemicals that help our immune systems fight disease when we vigorously work out. Do not over do it though. If you require a personal trainer please seek professional help. But, you know your body and you know when to quit. If you are currently suffering health issues make sure you consult your physician before you start a rigorous exercise program. It is always important to discuss your diet and exercise plan with your doctor. Ultimately, you must exercise and increase your daily physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer cells in your body.

Eat A Balanced Healthy Diet. The emphasis is on fruit and vegetables. Have you noticed in the last few years all the claims of super foods, super fruits, antioxidant, and superior disease fighting fruit and vegetables. This is true. The American Cancer Society does not endorse one fruit or vegetable as one that will reduce the risk of cancer cells in the body. As you research you will learn that these fruit and vegetables will dramatically help prevent disease and they should all be a part of your regular diet. These are some fruit and vegetables known to fight cancer (in no particular order):broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussell sprouts, tomatoes, blueberries, cantaloupe, carrots, cherries, chilli peppers, figs, garlic, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges, strawberries, sweet potatoes, etc. Then add herbs, beans, nuts like peanuts and whole grains like oats and wheat and you will have a balanced diet of many foods to help prevent cancer. Even water boosts your metabolism, strengthens your immune system and helps fight disease. There are even fruit that are new to us in America like acai berries that help prevent cancer.

Avoid Alcohol and Other Unhealthy Food and Drinks. Not just alcohol but sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda and processed foods as much as possible if you want to reduce risk of cancer cells in the body.

Following this outline will help you live a long, active, healthy life avoiding and preventing cancer and many diseases.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Diet-Reduce-Risks-of-Cancer--Weight-Loss-/956402

Various Womens Body Issues Posted By : richersiamon

Women nowadays suffer from various kinds of mental and physical issues that are mainly caused due to the high levels of stress and anxiety that they suffer from. It has been seen that women are usually prone to different kinds of health problems as compared to men because they are genetically different and their hormones and reproductive organs are usually the main sources of their trouble. The health of a woman is crucial because she is not only responsible for her own health but also has to bear a child.

Thus it is vital that women implement various steps to know more about women's health and related issues so that they can take better care of their body and thus avoid and prevent these ailments and diseases. There are various kinds of physical and mental ailments that befall a woman and these deal with issues like breast cancer, diabetes and reproductive and birth control issues. It has been seen that most of these issues are critical and need immediate care.

It is vital for women to understand that that their body types and structure are not the same like men and hence taking care of their body the same way that men do is not going to help. One of the biggest issues that women have to face today is the problems of drinking and smoking. It has been that the consumption of alcohol in women has gone up drastically and this has resulted in various kinds of health problems and other related issues.

This is also one of the biggest causes of lung cancer and accidents in women because alcoholic drinks affect a woman much faster than a man. It has also been seen that smoking is unhealthy for women because they bear children and these smoking habits are hard to get rid of. As a result many chain smokers continue to smoke even when they are pregnant and this has an adverse effect on their health and body. Thus to avoid these problems women should also avoid smoking because it leads to various forms of cancer also.

There are various other kinds of women's issues pertaining to their mental health and these include issues like anxiety, apprehension and mental ailments, which also includes annihilation. Various psychiatric have seen that these issues are more prevalent amongst the women in contrast to men and as per researches depression claims twice the number of women as opposed to men. Also the level of severity is more advanced in women and hence there are higher chances of deaths in women due to the same.

Studies and researches by medical practitioners also reveal that the level of stress is a major contributor to the overall transformation in the brain. This in return has the power to affect the overall mental health and thus women are prone to such kinds of diseases. Also the other major issues with women are heart diseases, which is contrary to the earlier belief that women don't get heart diseases easily. Again the major contributors here are food habits, smoking and drinking, which claims more lives for women too.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Various-Women-s-Body-Issues/956364

What Are The Steps Involved In Becoming Drug Free? Posted By : James Handforth

Drugs have become a plague in the society, and with the increasing stress of this modern world, this problem is eating up our society like anything. Alcoholism is an addiction that makes its victim go through different phases of mind leaving him completely wretched and depressed.

There are various programmes offered on websites and advertisements that serve the purpose. It is mostly a three or four step procedure. The two main courses offered are the 'Substance Abuse Therapy' and the 'Narconon Therapy'. The program addresses the main cause of the problem, when it started, and assures the victim with certainty that he can overcome this ailment, and that he can live a normal life again.

There are various reasons behind the addiction. A victim has to go through some typical phases. The first phase is the phase of denial. The victim is not ready to accept the fact that he or she has lost control of themselves and are not in the condition to get help themselves. Another phase that preoccupies the mind of an addict is that they cannot be cured. Therefore, it is the foremost duty of the doctor to make the victim accept his situation and assure him that he is going to get free from this addiction very soon.

The second step involved in making a victim drug free is the process of detoxification. In this process, the drug is removed from the patient's body. The system is purified either through an operation or through medication. The side affects of this process are that a patient develops cravings for certain things. Proper medication and guidance helps in curing.

Sending the victim to a rehabilitation center is the next step. An environment of complete serenity and captivating beauty is like a heaven for a person under constant anxiety, stress, peer pressure or whatever made the victim get started. Try registering the victim at a center that offers the best and most renowned treatment involving the family or guardian of the addict. The whole idea about going to a rehabilitation center is getting the right physician and a healthy environment to cure the problem.

The time or duration that an addict will take in a rehabilitation center is not specific, but a very important factor required apart from choosing a good center is that the victim shows signs of improvement. If the treatment chosen does not suit the victim, there is no point wasting time and energy. Go for centers that offer a variety of treatments and a co-operative team of doctors.

After the addict is over with the three steps, the last step is abstinence. In this process, different groups work with different patients. These groups help the victim recover and avoid going back to alcohol. When you are done with this whole process, you are completely ready to have a new life full of zeal and zest.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/What-Are-The-Steps-Involved-In-Becoming-Drug-Free-/955483

Best Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Posted By : David A Lee

What is psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic ailment defined by the skin inflamating. As a common skin condition nearly affecting 3 percent of the people in the USA alone, Psoriasis indications are usually red patchy areas of skin inflammation with a scaling effect. Common affected areas of psoriasis are the tips of the elbows, the scalp, the knees, and even the genital areas or anal cavity. Approximately 9 percent of people who have psoriasis also develop an irritating unfortunately known as psoriatic arthritis.

How is psoriatic arthritis treated?

For treatment of psoriatic arthritis usually involves a version of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and exercise. If the psoriasis arthritis gets worse and you notice the joints being destroyed after treatment then usually a more powerful medication is needed.

Yoga is one proven method of reducing and eliminating pain. stretching and a hot shower are also a way to relax muscles before exercise or yoga. Make sure to apply ice afterwards to help reduce post-exercise inflammation. Remember, exercises should be performed on a regular basis for the sole purpose of strengthening, maintaining and improving the overall motion of the joints. Even if you do not have psoriatic arthritis, you should be exercising anyway to hopefully prevent getting this disease.

As we age, our muscles tend to not work as they once did. They break down more easily and can tear when you least expect it. Getting into a regular routine to exercise can be very helpful to the muscles and joints. Drink more water than you usually do to keep the joints lubricated. Continue to strengthen those muscles and bring back the youth in your body.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Best-Psoriatic-Arthritis-Treatment/955481

All-Natural And Simple Approach For Serious Penis Enlargement - Add 2-5 Inches Within Just Weeks! Posted By : Richard Beeson

It was a long and painful journey, but eventually I arrived successfully at my destination: after years of trying every approach I had heard of, I had finally succeeded in improving the length and girth of my penis. The approach that finally cracked the problem for me was to use the natural enhancement system. Once I began on this program, I was amazed at how little difficulty there was in becoming larger; my manhood seemed to grow before my eyes, and within the month it had more than doubled in length, from 3.6 to 7.5 inches.

So, I expect you're wondering if you could do the same for yourself? Unless you're one of the very few men who's already over-endowed with inches, you'd be crazy not to seek enlargement for your manhood, and the fact that you've searched out this article of mine suggests that you already know that and are keen to sort out your size anxieties. Well, the good news is that this program I'm talking about, the natural enlargement plan, seems to work for every man who uses it. Typical gains range from a minimum of 2 inches, up to 5 inches and more, with a few weeks usually the time-period that elapses before these gains become fully realised.

How it works

The key to the method is that it uses simple techniques to trick your body into releasing large quantities of biochemical nutrients. Put simply, these nutrients make your penis grow, in a healthy, organic, but above all, FAST way. Once you have the right nutrition, it's incredibly easy to make the growth process go on as long as you need, and get you to whatever size you want to be. So don't waste time with other methods; this system will get you what you need.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/All-Natural-And-Simple-Approach-For-Serious-Penis-Enlargement---Add-2-5-Inches-Within-Just-Weeks-/955459

Do You Have An Allergic Reaction To The Sunshine Posted By : Naomi West

When it comes to our youngsters we concern about every small scraped knee and torn fingernail. It is our job to make sure that they remain safe and sound and we love them a great deal that it hurts when something might go wrong. Yet, there are unannounced things that are able to come about - which will touch them in ways we hoped they would not need to go through.

Allergies are so frequent now that people will keep their kids from eating specific foods or getting near distinct plants to make sure they deflect the symptoms. This is before they even know if their child actually has the allergy or not. One kind that we never believe they would ever experience is the allergy to the sun.

Sun allergy - also recognized as photosensitivity and is stimulated when the bodies' immune system is working to defend itself against the sun. It will normally stimulate a red itchy rash - but sometimes it is able to induce hives or even blisters. The regions that are most impacted by this include the back of the hands, arms, lower legs, and the neck.

Doctors have not been able to determine why or how the sun can spark this response in the body. It is feasible that when the skin is in the sunlight it trips the immune system - which thinks it is being attacked by something foreign. Individuals who have extremely sensitive skin are the ones who are impacted more by it.

If you think that you hurt from this allergy then you should visit your physician right away so that they can diagnose you. If it is a more severe case they may have to take a skin biopsy of the affected area and examine it under the microscope. They may also have to take certain blood tests.

Once they have examined it thoroughly and determined what it is then they can take proper action. There are various treatments for sun allergy depending on what kind it is.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Do-You-Have-An-Allergic-Reaction-To-The-Sunshine/955436

A Closer Look At Acne Prevention And Treatment Posted By : Lorica

One of the major causes of insecurity and low self confidence among young people is acne. Acne breakout happens when the pores in the skin are blocked. Although acne is oftentimes attributed to hormones, the real cause is still unidentified.

Some people are just so lucky to have smooth skin on their faces. Some are just born with acne prone skin. Blame it to hormones, so they say. But do you know that you can actually prevent acne breakout?

Acne: The Beginning

Acne is very common among young people. Acne is said to have been caused by hormones. It is also caused by poor skin hygiene. It is also attributed to depression and other emotional anxiety.

Our skin has thousands of oil glands particularly on the face. These oil glands produce sebum to help make the skin moisturized and maintain its elasticity. When the pores are blocked, bacteria within the pore multiply; thus, the breakout. The pore appears to have red bumps with pus inside. When not treated immediately, these small red bumps may become large red lumps called nodules.

Preventing Acne

Acne can be prevented. For people who have naturally acne prone skin, they can still do something to minimize breakouts. If you have acne, you should avoid using too much chemicals on your face. If you are going to use facial moisturizer, choose one that is water based. Also choose one that is hypo-allergenic.

You shouldn't be putting too much chemicals on your hair as well as the chemicals may still touch your face. Don't prick on the breakouts because you might just aggravate the case. You should keep your face clean and clear at all times. Watching what you eat and drink also matters as there are foods that can trigger the breakout of acne.

Treating Acne

Acne can be treated. The first step in treating acne is identifying its cause. Do you have acne because of the food that you eat? Then you should start modifying your diet. If your acne is caused by poor skin care, then you should start a skin care routine.

There are also skin creams and skin ointments that you can use to treat acne. It is advisable to seek medical attention first before you apply skin creams. Ask your dermatologist if the skin cream is suitable to your skin type. This is to avoid any harmful side effect on your skin.

Acne can lower down your self esteem so as early as possible, prevent and treat acne.

Amber College is a holistic therapies centre in Ireland. Its range of services includes Weight Loss, Allergy Testing, Stop Smoking Therapies and Complementary Therapies like Acupuncture, Aromatherapy and Massage. Amber College also offers skin care treatments and products including www.amber.ie/" title="Dermalogica Products">Dermalogica Products.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/A-Closer-Look-At-Acne-Prevention-And-Treatment/955434

A Guide to Learning How to Prevent Hemorrhoids Posted By : Heather Jane Hunter

Today many people in the world are challenged with learning how to prevent hemorrhoids and the best way to deal with this affliction. Unfortunately many are either understandably too embarrassed to seek help or unable to do so due to financial reasons. Help is there, however, and is easy to obtain. This article will show you good ways to learn how to prevent hemorrhoids and their annoying symptoms.

For starters, it is crucial to understand that constipation is the most common cause of hemorrhoids today. Constipation is something that should be avoided if at all possible, but fortunately it is easy to do so. A healthy diet is the best solution for constipation, especially one that is high in fiber. A person should have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods made with whole grains (such as wheat bread or oatmeal). Natural colon medicines can also be good additions to one's diet because it keeps the body cleansed of toxins.

Learning how to prevent hemorrhoids also involves increasing one's intake of fluids in addition to eating a high fiber diet. Fluids have the direct benefit of increasing circulation and digestion, as well as softening one's stool. This reduces the chance for constipation.

Setting a regular eating time and following it consistently will also help by cutting down on indigestion, which can cause hemorrhoids. Learning how to prevent hemorrhoids necessarily involves regularity in one's eating habits.

Along with eating consistently at the same time, one should also go to the restroom consistently as well. While this may seem somewhat difficult at times, it is easier than one thinks to set up a regular time each day to go to the restroom. Also, as a part of this, one shouldn't hesitate to go to the restroom when one feels the initial urge to go. Failure to do this can result in the stool drying and becoming more difficult to pass. In this way, eating and attending to the restroom regularly will greatly help and complement each other.

One should also be careful to avoid excessive heavy lifting. Heavy lifting can agitate hemorrhoids, as can sitting or putting pressure on the rear area for long periods of times. Part of learning how to prevent hemorrhoids has to include adjusting one's physical habits to avoid prolonged sitting and lifting to cut down on pressure.

Finally, daily exercise can be a great way to help with learning how to prevent hemorrhoids. Daily exercise has many benefits, but it will help a person stay at an ideal weight, which reduces pressure on the rectum. It also has the added effect of helping with digestion (plus it will just make you healthier all around). By maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, adjusted physical habits, plenty of fluids, and a clean and hygienic rectal area, a person can definitely do a lot to cut back on hemorrhoids and their symptoms.

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Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/A-Guide-to-Learning-How-to-Prevent-Hemorrhoids/955422

Friday, 10 July 2009

Legitimate hoodia seller targets dishonest competition with national "Hoodia Scam" ads

The hoodia gordonii succulent, which has been used as a hydrator and appetite suppressant for centuries by the San tribe of the Kalahari Desert, arrived in the U.S. and Europe with such an impact that it created a market fraught with peril -- and both the consumers and the manufacturers are to blame. Hoodia was found by scientists to contain a molecule dubbed "P-57," which tricks the brain into thinking the body is not hungry. When the mostly obese citizens of the Western world heard about this new magic bullet that could slay hunger, a different kind of feeding frenzy ensued.
If you type "hoodia" into any search engine, you will be inundated with millions of pages from companies trying to get you to buy their hoodia product, and each one will say that they are the only legitimate hoodia retailer. Obviously, some fakes are easier to spot than others: If the site looks unprofessional, is rife with misspellings and grammatical errors, and claims that one pill will turn you into the supermodel they have pictured, then they are probably frauds.
The majority of hoodia sellers are people who spent a little money on a website and a bottling machine with the intention of disappearing as soon as they've sold a few thousand bottles and made away with a ridiculous ROI.
However, some hoodia frauds see a sustainable market in ever-increasing consumers with their corresponding waistlines. These crooks are clever with their deceptions, even going as far as forging the certificates that legitimate hoodia exporters must obtain and display. Regardless of their long-term goals, most hoodia retailers are fooling customers into buying anything from rice protein to sawdust, and while these counterfeit ingredients may not physically harm them, they can turn people away from a potentially helpful weight-loss product.
The consumer is not the only party to suffer from this deception. Hoodia sellers who adhere to honest business practices are suffering -- every consumer who decides hoodia doesn't work because they tried a fake is lost as a customer to those selling the real thing.
Hoodoba's Brad Foster is one of those businessmen, and he is tired of his business suffering due to the hoodia fakes:
"The hardest thing is convincing people," Foster said. "Every day we get tons of calls from people saying hoodia doesn't work, so (dishonest hoodia sellers) are giving hoodia a bad name, and we're suffering as well."
Many honest hoodia sellers are frustrated with this state of affairs, and now Foster is doing something about it. Foster, who has been in the hoodia business from the beginning, has taken out some full-page ads in popular magazines that are set to expose the hoodia scams and scammers.
"(We are placing) some full-page ads in various magazines like Women's First health magazines, Time magazine -- not Time magazine itself, but the health magazine they put out -- and we're looking also at Newsweek, Foster said. "We have some in ones like Women's Health and Fitness, Men's Health and Fitness magazines and magazines like those."
Foster said his ads are going to be noticeable by their big-type headline that will say "Hoodia Scam." Beneath that will be important information for any consumer considering hoodia to assist with their weight loss needs. "We're going to be talking about the various ways that (dishonest hoodia sellers) are pulling off the scams and how they are getting away with it, and what to look out for," he said.
The ads will hopefully keep customers from blindly trusting the first hoodia supplier they come across by encouraging them to research the product. Foster does not expect any lawsuits to be brought against him for the ads, despite the controversial market they detail.
"(The ads are) as detailed as you can get without naming names. At this time, we'll be focusing on the (hoodia products) that are being sold in the stores, and we're a bit hesitant about naming the stores, although I don't see why we couldn't," Foster said. "If (a product is) sold there, it's sold there. That fact can be substantiated, so I don't see why that would be a problem, but we're going to check with an attorney to make sure of that."
Some of the more contentious content in the ads is likely to be the result of tests, paid for by Hoodoba, in which Alkemists Pharmaceuticals have tested some of Foster's competitors for hoodia content. The products that fail these tests -- those found to contain little or no hoodia -- are the names that Foster wishes to name, his attorneys' protests notwithstanding.
In the past, other hoodia sellers have suggested that Alkemists' tests are not definitive, and are inconsistent. We at NaturalNews.com, although not specifically endorsing any one lab or hoodia seller, have found Alkemists to be entirely forthcoming with information. The very nature of hoodia and the market lends itself to inconsistent results. Factors such as hoodia sellers being unaware they are selling illegitimate hoodia, and those that are aware sometimes sending real hoodia to a lab while selling something different, mean results are going to be questionable no matter what.
Hoodoba's relationship with Alkemists differs from the average hoodia seller because Hoodoba has an agreement with Alkemists to test in a slightly different manner from the norm. "We are allowing Alkemists to buy our products directly off the shelf -- the way a customer would, without our knowledge, at various intervals, and publish their findings directly on their own web site," Foster said. "And then what we do is we provide a link from our web site to their findings; the page where they update findings whenever they do a new test, and so it's there for everyone to see."
Foster notes that some of Alkemists detractors may be people who think paying for a test is the same thing as paying for a result. "(Alkemists) just tests products and they have problems with people who think that by paying the $700 for the tests, they should automatically get a yes," Foster said. "And when they don't get a yes, they get upset, but Alkemist doesn't play that game."
Foster's trust of Alkemists's results is such that he is sending samples of several of his hoodia competitors to Alkemists, and intends to publish the results of the tests.
For now, it is enough to say these ads may mark the declaration of the hoodia war. Since they are set to run in popular, national magazines, Foster's ads could be the big bomb of the war, and consumers can only hope that those who are out to defraud them will suffer the most casualties.

Hoodia update: Counterfeit rate reaches 80 percent, but genuine hoodia is still available

Here's a quick update on the state of the hoodia gordonii supplement industry. You probably already know that I don't sell hoodia products nor do I make any commissions on any such sales, so I've been looking into this as a consumer advocate, trying to sort out fact from fiction for those people interested in using natural appetite suppressants.
According to my research, the vast majority of the hoodia gordonii sold in the United States and around the world is still counterfeit. I spoke with Elan Sudberg at Alkemists Pharmaceuticals, who confirmed that they're getting about a 60 percent failure rate for hoodia. That means that 60 percent of the hoodia samples submitted to them for verification are failing -- and these batches are coming from companies who believe they have genuine hoodia. There are probably many more samples that never get sent in for testing because the companies selling them either don't care or already know they're not genuine. I am estimating as much as 80 percent of the hoodia currently being purchased by consumers is either adulterated, which means cut with other ingredients, or contains no actual hoodia gordonii whatsoever.
The supplements that are consistently verified as being genuine hoodia gordonii include the Desert Burn brand, the Hoodoba brand from Strictly Health Corp., and the Hoodia Hoodia brand from Millennium Health. Those three pass on a more consistent basis than the products being distributed in retail, in fact. This is the rare case where the internet is offering better quality and more honest products than you can buy at retail. Even some of the big retail chains selling hoodia weight loss products are selling counterfeit hoodia gordonii. I'm not going to name names, because there aren't enough lawyers in the world to defend me against the onslaught of legal claims that would be unleashed if I did; however, I can tell you I would only buy hoodia online through the sources that I've mentioned, or through any others that consistently pass the certification tests.
How to know who to trustThe problem is that it's really tough to know which companies to trust. There are companies that will post counterfeit CITES certificates -- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, a document required to sell hoodia and verify that it has been obtained through legal channels. They can fake the lab tests by submitting a genuine batch for approval and then replacing it with adulterated material in the actual production run. They can steal CITES certificates from other companies and then use Photoshop to replace the company name.
There's even evidence now that some companies are using soluble material to cut their product in a way that is difficult to detect in laboratory testing. Hoodia supplement retailers and sellers are certainly coming up with very creative ways to keep selling the counterfeit product without anyone knowing.
But whether it's real or not is really only one part of the question concerning hoodia. As I've said, my estimate is that 80 percent of the hoodia being sold today contains no genuine hoodia gordonii. Not all the people selling hoodia are crooks: wholesalers have swindled some into thinking they're buying real hoodia when, in reality, they're being hoodwinked.
Does genuine hoodia really work?It is sad that this mess overshadows the other part of the question, which is whether or not hoodia gordonii works as an appetite suppressant even if you have the real thing. Because there has been so much counterfeiting and so much adulterated hoodia being sold to consumers, most people who have used hoodia didn't notice any effect. They think that hoodia doesn't work, but they probably weren't taking real hoodia in the first place.
I believe that hoodia holds potential for being a highly effective appetite suppressant. As I reported earlier in my own experiments with genuine hoodia, it did take the edge off the hunger, even though it wasn't a magic pill that just turned off hunger like a light switch. It could be quite valuable as part of an ongoing weight loss effort that includes high-density nutrition, avoidance of high-glycemic foods and a regular physical exercise program.
In fact, I think genuine hoodia gordonii could be more effective than prescription drugs for helping people lose weight. But most people will never find out whether hoodia works for them because they'll never get their hands on the real thing. Until the Federal Trade Commission steps in and begins to really crack down on the con artists who currently dominate much of the marketing and advertising in the hoodia industry, American consumers are going to continue to be victimized.
The bottom line is that genuine hoodia, if you can find it, seems to help as an appetite suppressant and at the very least holds promise for future research into weight loss supplements. But beware, because if you're buying hoodia retail or even from honest-looking companies online, you're probably not getting genuine hoodia.
And finally, as I've always said, there's no such thing as a magic pill that's going to cause you to lose weight without changing your diet (eliminating high-glycemic, processed foods) and engaging in regular physical exercise. While there are, indeed, natural supplements that can aid in your weight loss efforts, putting your full faith in any single weight loss pill -- whether it's a drug, an herb or a succulent -- is likely to result in disappointment.